Dyfed Powys Police rolls out MDTs

Dyfed Powys Police is deploying more than 100 mobile data terminals
(MDTs) to frontline officers in a £638,000 deal with Stone Group, the
privately-owned UK hardware manufacturer and technology solutions
provider to the education and public sector. Stone Group will supply
and maintain 130 Panasonic Toughbook CF-19 MDTs to help Dyfed Powys
Police increase effective communication with field officers, while
guaranteeing the robustness required for the mobile environment, saving
the force significant time and resources.

Jun 3, 2010
By Paul Jacques
Baroness Helen Newlove

Dyfed Powys Police is deploying more than 100 mobile data terminals (MDTs) to frontline officers in a £638,000 deal with Stone Group, the privately-owned UK hardware manufacturer and technology solutions provider to the education and public sector. Stone Group will supply and maintain 130 Panasonic Toughbook CF-19 MDTs to help Dyfed Powys Police increase effective communication with field officers, while guaranteeing the robustness required for the mobile environment, saving the force significant time and resources.

Chief Inspector Andy Twigger, Dyfed Powys Police, explained: “With the task of covering such a vast area (Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys), communication with our field officers is vital.

“Previously, officers would have to return to base or require clerical support to complete crime reports and access applications such as databases and intelligence logs, which are vital for supporting their role in the field.

“Dyfed Powys Police is committed to applying new technologies to maximise our effectiveness and installing MDTs to improve communication with remote officers is integral to this.”

Panasonic CF-19s are fully-functional mobile PC hardware units that can be installed into emergency services vehicles to provide enhanced communication with the central control via a 3G mobile broadband connection with the ability to replicate the entire suite of software applications utilised back at base.

Patrol officers can access databases and resources in real-time with very little training, including internal websites, crime records, the Police National Legal Database (PNLD) and the automatic numberplate recognition (ANPR) system.

A further 25 vehicles will be fitted with Cleartone CD500 MDTs in the boot, which are capable of simultaneously handling comprehensive data programmes such as cameras, digital video recording and ANPR in a single unit.

The CF-19 is compatible with the ruggedised vehicle dock from technology-based solutions provider Tempus, which allows the laptop to be mounted vertically against the dashboard, making it easy to read the screen and operate the keyboard. It protects the CF-19, and allows for quick un-docking and re-docking via a simple recessed release catch.

Chief Insp Twigger added: “MDTs will certainly help Dyfed Powys Police maximise efficiencies by transmitting critical information direct to our field officers, helping them address the situation they are dealing with quickly. This will certainly save significant time and resources and help officers focus on the job of protecting citizens.”

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