Coin created to commemorate National Police Memorial Day 2020

A specially commissioned coin has been created to remember fallen officers and raise funds for the National Police Memorial Day (NPMD) charity and The Police Roll of Honour Trust.

Aug 21, 2020
By Tony Thompson

The coin was created in response to the fact that the 2020 NPMD service, due to be held in the city of Lincoln in September, has had to be cancelled due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

It is the first time the memorial service has been cancelled since its inception.

To help offset the many generous donations usually made during the service, the Police Memorial Trust helped create the coin. It features crests of the National Police Memorial Day Trust, The Police Memorial Trust and Police Roll of Honour Trust. These are surrounded by the English, Welsh and Scots Gaelic versions of “We Will Remember Them”. On the obverse are the images of four police officers flanking the Union Flag.

Geraldine Winner, chair of The Police Memorial Trust said: “We understand that for all who were planning to gather at the ceremony the cancellation is very disappointing, not only for the fallen officers’ families but also for all members of the extended police family.

“We have been pleased to support this years’ service with the virtual digital format which will be broadcast across the UK and indeed around the world, a concept my late film producer husband, Michael, would have been very keen on.”

“We have also helped with the production of the special challenge coins. We know those who take the opportunity to own one of these stunning coins will find it a nice reminded of this year’s event.”

‘The Police Memorial Trust will not benefit from the sale of the coins as we have decided to donate our share of any profits to the other two charities. Purchasing a coin will help the NPMD and the Roll of Honour Trust continue in their work to ensure the memory of fallen officers are preserved, acknowledged and celebrated.

The coins cost £10 including post and packaging.

To purchase one of the special coins please visit:

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