CCTV goes mobile to help tackle disorder
Police in Renfrewshire have taken delivery of a state-of-the-art mobile CCTV unit.

Police in Renfrewshire have taken delivery of a state-of-the-art mobile CCTV unit.
The new unit will allow operators to monitor and record a range of incidents, whilst providing a highly visible public reassurance message to local residents and visitors to the town centre.
The vehicle can also be used for monitoring football crowds, marches and assisting with controlling large scale events. It will form part of Renfrewshires drive to sustain the dramatic improvements in regards to violence and disorder seen over the last few months.
Chief Superintendent John Harkin, Divisional Commander Renfrewshire & Inverclyde, said: The introduction of a rapid response mobile CCTV vehicle for the communities of Renfrewshire is another step forward in the fight against violence, disorder and antisocial behaviour. I am excited by the potential to build on our recent progress with a crime fighting tool such as this.
Councillor Brian Lawson, Chair of Renfrewshire Community Safety Partnership, said: The CCTV unit will add to the range of enforcement options currently used in Renfrewshire to tackle antisocial behaviour. It can be used to help identify those involved in violence or disorder and will hopefully also have a deterrent effect in the areas where it is used.
We believe it will help the partnership work which is promoting community safety and tackling crime.
The vehicle, decorated in police branding, has been fitted and supplied to Strathclyde Police following a funding boost from the Scottish Government, Renfrewshire Council and the Strathclyde Police Chief Constables fund.