Suspended jail sentence for sergeant caught with prostitute

A Merseyside Police sergeant has received a suspended eight month jail sentence for visiting prostitutes during work time.

Jul 17, 2008
By Gemma Ilston
Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie

A Merseyside Police sergeant has received a suspended eight month jail sentence for visiting prostitutes during work time.

A surveillance operation identified him with a number of women in Liverpool while on duty, including being caught with a prostitute in his squad car behind a DIY store.

The professional standards unit at Merseyside Police launched an investigation into Karl Cliff after colleagues complained of his “interest in street workers”.

Donal Maguire, defending Cliff, said he was a devoted officer but experiences with the Royal Ulster Constabulary between 1996 and 2001 had caused him post-traumatic stress.

Cliff will face a police tribunal, which is likely to end in his dismissal. He will also serve 170 hours of unpaid work.

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