Location: Force wide
Applications are invited from Greater Manchester Police officers and officers seeking transfer on promotion to Sergeant from their current force.
About the role
Successful candidates will support us in ensuring our significant improvements are lasting. They will:
- Supervise a team, managing wellbeing, welfare and development to enable an effective policing service.
- Advise and guide team members to ensure the best possible outcomes in line with policy and legislation.
- Manage the performance of the team, implementing effective strategies for continuous improvement and adherence to professional standard.
- Work in collaboration with internal and external stakeholders to progress policing and community objectives.
Eligibility Criteria
Please do not apply unless you meet the eligibility criteria below.
Applicants must:
- have the support of their Chief Inspector or Police Staff equivalent (including applicants from other forces).
- have a current pass in the Sergeant’s Legal Knowledge Exam or OSPRE Part 1 & 2 Exams. Please note that officers taking the Legal Knowledge Exam in March will be eligible for this process if they are successful. As the results do not come out until early April, we will endeavour to give these officers a later date in the process.
- have a good record of attendance, meeting force targets.
- not be subject to any written improvement notices issued under the Police Performance Regs (2020).
- not be subject to a live final written warning, written warning or extended written warning under the Police Conduct Regs (2020)
- be in an active PDR cycle.
- Have completed their Readiness for Promotion record (GMP Officers only)
Application Process
Complete the attached registration form and return to
promotions@gmp.police.uk no later than 1200 hours Tuesday 29th April 2025. Applicants from GMP must also submit their Readiness for Promotion Record.
Applicants external to GMP should also click on the link below to register their details and provide a supporting statement (150 words) why they want to work in GMP.
Supported applicants who meet the eligibility criteria will be invited to attend a board, comprising an interview and presentation on a date between 27th May and 11th July 2025.
If you wish to apply for reasonable adjustment or accommodations during the board, please do not hesitate to contact the Promotions Team at
Assessment.Support@gmp.police.uk or on 0161 8563205/0573.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Workforce Development at
Apply Here on the Greater Manchester Police website >>