PCC says Home Office consultation on transfer of policing powers a ‘humiliating climbdown’

West Midlands police and crime commissioner (PCC) says the Home Office decision to launch a consultation on the transfer of policing powers to the region’s mayor is a “humiliating climbdown” after it already appeared to have been rubber-stamped.

Dec 21, 2023
By Paul Jacques
Simon Foster

Simon Foster had described it as a “hostile takeover” after the Home Secretary agreed to proceed with plans for the powers of the PCC to be transferred to the West Midlands Mayor after the May election.

Mr Foster said: “I have forced the mayor and the Home Secretary into a humiliating climb down, as a consequence of the legal action I have taken, in order to defend democracy and the rights of the people I represent.

“The mayor’s decision to attempt a hostile takeover of the police and crime commissioner powers has been exposed for what it is – a cynical, divisive and illegal power grab.

“The Home Secretary has now hastily announced a consultation in connection with the mayor’s plans, after he has already approved them.

“This is a farce and it smacks of desperation. The mayor and Home Secretary are trying to shore up an amateurish, incompetent and illegal decision after the event.”

He added: “The arrogant and high-handed mayor and Home Secretary are treating the people of the West Midlands with contempt and taking us for fools.

“I urge members of the public to send a clear message to both of them: enough is enough, we will not be treated with contempt and we will not be taken for fools.”

Mayor Andy Street, who is in office until May 2024, had written to the Home Secretary in November asking to take on the powers and responsibilities of the PCC.

He argued it was necessary because West Midlands Police is currently in special measures and has seen crime rise.

The Home Office launched the consultation on Thursday (December 21), which it said “focuses on the transfer of PCC functions to the Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority”.

It is aimed at people who live or work in the West Midlands.

If a transfer took place, the mayor’s PCC functions would include:

  • Issuing a police and crime plan for the West Midlands;
  • Setting the police budget;
  • Appointing (and if necessary, suspending or dismissing) the chief constable;
  • Addressing complaints about policing services;
  • Providing and commissioning services for victims and vulnerable people; and
  • Working in partnership to ensure that the local criminal justice system is efficient and effective.

The consultation closes at 11:59pm on January 31.

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