GMP seeks pension forfeiture as former officer jailed for sexually assaulting police cadets

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) is seeking a pension forfeiture certificate of a former officer who was jailed for five years on Friday (June 23) after being found guilty of sexually assaulting police cadets.

Jun 23, 2023
By Paul Jacques

Adnan Ali, 36, was found guilty of five counts of sexual assault and 15 counts of misconduct in a public office. The charges relate to incidents, between 2015 and 2018, involving young men and women enrolled on GMP’s Volunteer Police Cadet Scheme. He was also handed a ten-year restraining order against his victims.

GMP’s chief constable dismissed Ali and ordered that he be barred from policing when gross misconduct was proven in April 2022.

“As to not prejudice criminal proceedings, the hearing had to be held in private and the outcome could not be published until they had concluded,” said GMP.

The misconduct hearing was told that Ali was arrested and suspended in October 2018, immediately after the force received a complaint that he had been behaving inappropriately towards a 16-year-old boy. During the criminal investigation, led by GMP and managed by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), a forensic scientist found Ali’s DNA in sexual bodily fluids on a GMP office carpet.

Dismissing Ali, Chief Constable Stephen Watson said: “PC Ali engaged in sexual activity on police premises in an area that was periodically used by young apprentices and cadets.

“This was a fundamental breach of the public’s trust in police officers and inevitably brings the profession into disrepute. Further, in doing so, PC Ali must have been aware that his actions were wholly inappropriate for a serving police officer.”

Head of GMP’s Professional Standards Branch, Chief Superintendent Mike Allen added: “At a time when policing is subject to such intense scrutiny, particularly in relation to sexual misconduct and abuse of position, Ali’s behaviour will, understandably, damage trust and confidence in the force.

“However, the public should be reassured by the action GMP, the IOPC and the CPS have taken to secure his arrest, suspension, prosecution, and dismissal.

“Though Ali is now in prison thanks to the commendable bravery of the victims and integrity of those who worked with him, it is the view of GMP that he should never reap the benefits of having been an officer.

“He has already been added to the College of Policing’s barred list – preventing him from serving for the rest of his life – and we are now following the process to try to ensure that he loses his valuable pension.”

Kate Green, Deputy Mayor for Policing, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire, said: “This is an appalling and sickening case and I want to commend the victims and witnesses for their bravery in coming forward so justice can be done.

“Police officers are there to keep the rest of us safe but instead of being a role model, Ali abused his position to prey on vulnerable young cadets who simply wanted to learn so they themselves could one day protect the public.

“Allowing him to collect a full pension after committing these offences would be an insult to his victims.

“I fully support GMP’s proposals and will be submitting an application to the Home Office for Ali to be ordered to forfeit his pension.”

Following the sentencing, IOPC Regional Director Catherine Bates said: “Former PC Ali has shown no remorse for his actions, which have had significant and lasting effects on many of the young people he was supposed to be looking after. His behaviour has absolutely no place in policing and I am pleased to see this sentence reflects the seriousness of his crimes.

“His horrific actions were massive breach of the trust placed in him and an unforgivable abuse of his position. Instead of caring for these young people, he saw an opportunity to exploit them.

“Since concerns were first brought to our attention by GMP in October 2018, a huge amount of work has gone into ensuring Ali was held accountable for his actions. Just as importantly, this investigation has led to substantial changes being made to protect young people.

“By publishing details of the extensive organisation learning identified by GMP, and steps taken as a result, I hope to reassure the public that swift action was taken to address the issues discovered as result of this investigation.”

Zahra Awaiz-Bilal, Senior Associate at Bolt Burdon Kemp, said the case was “not an isolated incident”.

She said: “I hope Ali’s sentencing today will give confidence to survivors of sexual abuse that they will be heard, perpetrators will be punished and justice will be served.

“Having recently represented a survivor of very similar abuse at the hands of another police officer, running a Police Cadet Scheme in a different part of the country, I know this case is not an isolated incident.

“I very much doubt that it is the last given the vast number of Police Cadet Schemes operating across the country, providing ample opportunities for individuals like Ali to take advantage of their position.

“More must be done to improve safeguarding and supervision in the Police Cadet Scheme to prevent abusers such as Ali gaining positions and causing catastrophic and lifelong harm to children.

“The police service is supposed to detect and prevent crime, but the recent avalanche of police misconduct cases has shown us that the police, need policing too.”

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