The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has voluntar...
9 hours agoSo called ‘honour-based’ abuse (HBA) offences ...
20 hours agoPolice Scotland welcomed 253 new officers as they ...
1 day agoITV’s Tonight programme aired an investigative r...
2 days agoPolice Scotland has reported a fall in serious fir...
Nov 6, 2024 @ 10:35Almost 600 police officers in England and Wales we...
Nov 6, 2024 @ 10:15With tackling crime becoming fixated on targets and detection, Dr John Coxhead examines how very little is being done in respect of prevention.
2 days agoOn August 19, the Government reactivated Operation Early Dawn, an emergency measure designed to tackle a severe crisis i...
This issue, the Research Inspector examines learning and professional development and whether police officers are being ...
Abbie Mills, Richard Davis and Sally Bibb examine how with a ‘clear purpose and value’, police community support off...
Adhering to Peelian principles in the modern world and addressing HMICFRS recommendations requires policing to embrace n...
Ashley Beck examines how artificial intelligence is transforming crime detection.
Steve Dodd explains how community intelligence-led policing can inspire innovation, modernise tactics, foster closer wor...